Post by Daniel Jackson on Jan 29, 2010 23:35:09 GMT -5
i was thinking that what this site can use is a word counter and a photo uploader in the post.
Post by Jake Donely on Jan 29, 2010 23:57:54 GMT -5
I'm looking for the code for the word counter, I'm also hunting down one to put those buttons for the bbcodes in the quick reply. There's a few others on the list but thank you for this. I've been swamped with work and haven't had much of a chance to really look around at all the codes out there yet.
Post by Daniel Jackson on Jan 30, 2010 0:08:37 GMT -5
I have the word counter
<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- /* Posting/PM Word Count - created by Eton Bones */
//set to minimum word count needed in order to make a post //or set to 0 to disable word count enforcement. var wordCountLimit=0;
if(document.getElementsByName('message').length){ var __submitBtn,__wc,__msg __msg=document.getElementsByName('message')[0]; __submitBtn=document.getElementsByTagName('input'); for(var count=0;count<__submitBtn.length;count++){ if(__submitBtn[count].accessKey && __submitBtn[count].accessKey=='s'){__submitBtn=__submitBtn[count];break;} } if(typeof(__submitBtn.length)=="undefined"){ __btnText=__submitBtn.value; __wc=document.createElement('div'); __wc.id="wordcount"; __wc.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Word Count: ')); __wc.appendChild(document.createElement('span')); __submitBtn.parentNode.appendChild(__wc); count=__msg.value.match(/\b\w+\b/g); count=(count)?count.length:0; __wc.lastChild.innerHTML=count; if(count<wordCountLimit && !location.href.match(/ion=pmsend/)){__submitBtn.disabled=true;} if(document.addEventListener){ __msg.addEventListener("keyup",wordUp,false); __msg.addEventListener("input",wordUp,false); __msg.addEventListener("change",wordUp,false); }else if(document.attachEvent){ __msg.attachEvent("onpropertychange",wordUp); }else{ __msg.onkeyup=wordUp; __msg.onmouseup=wordUp; __msg.onchange=wordUp; } } }
function wordUp(event){ if(this.document){var thiss=event.srcElement;}else{var thiss=this;} var count=thiss.value.match(/\b\w+\b/g); count=(count)?count.length:0; if(count>=wordCountLimit && wordCountLimit >0 && __submitBtn.disabled){ __submitBtn.disabled=false; } __wc.lastChild.innerHTML=count;
} //--> </script>
Post by Jake Donely on Jan 30, 2010 15:00:31 GMT -5
Cool, thank you Daniel. Global Footers or Main?
Post by Daniel Jackson on Jan 30, 2010 15:19:32 GMT -5